My baby threw his first tantrum tonight.
We're talking full on screaming bloody murder at the top of his lungs. He was in his high chair
refusing to eat his dinner of stir fry and rice. I knew he was very tired, but he had never acted
like this before. I called Michael at school so he could hear the wails firsthand. Then it hit me - there
was a container of banana muffins (his new favorite food) on the counter and he was letting it be
known that he wanted those for dinner instead. Who knew some innocent muffins could
cause so much frustration?!
He didn't get the muffins and we were both miserable for a while. Parenting is no joke and I
feel like I got my first tiny taste of it tonight.
Now that he's in bed and sleeping like an angle, I'm using these photos to remind myself
of how sweet and darling he normally is. I will try a little harder to be a little more patient tomorrow.